Wianek Sukulenty


In our online florist you can order flowers quickly in just a few steps. Select the size of the composition, enter the text on the card, select the date and time of delivery. At a later stage of the order, complete the data and pay conveniently online. You can enter any suggestions in the comments field. We'll do the rest. The courier will deliver a surprise to the address provided and surprise your loved one. If you have any questions, please call us! <3


By Price

0 1799

Types of flowers


Home delivery bouquets

in Katowice and beyond

We also provide a flower delivery service to the address indicated, and we also offer a wide range of decorations perfect for many occasions, such as birthdays, births or anniversaries. Please contact us or visit our florist located at Francuska 59 in Katowice . We invite.

Bouquets with courier delivery

Choice of date
and delivery

Shipment to
the address indicated


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