Time and cost of delivery

Delivery service in Katowice and the surrounding area

Within the city of Katowice, the cost of the delivery service is PLN 25. Pickup in person at a stationary store at Katowice and ul.Dębowa 57 , Katowice.

Delivery price:

Katowice– 29 zł

Sosnowiec, Chorzów, Ruda Śląska, Siemianowice Slaskie, – 39 zł

Bytom, Mikołów, Mysłowice, Czeladź, Będzin, Imielin – 49 zł

Tychy, Zabrze, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Piekary Śląskie – 59 zł

Gliwice, Tarnowskie Góry, Radzionków – 69 zł


Pickup at a flower shop – PLN 0

Further distances are determined individually.

The minimum cost of an order with delivery is PLN 79.

We deliver in the following time frames: 

Monday Friday :

09: 00-13: 00, 13: 00-17: 00


09: 00-15: 00

Delivery service for a specific time:

Only and exclusively for funeral ceremonies to a church, chapel or cemetery.

Please include any suggestions in the Comments box in the next stages of the order.

Lead time

We carry out each purchase in accordance with the guidelines contained in the order. In the case of online payment, we book the payment confirmation immediately. In the case of traditional bank transfers, please send the confirmation of the transfer in the form of a pdf or a photo to speed up the execution time. Confirmation may be sent by SMS or to the following address: Kwiaciarnia@madlen.pl

We fulfill orders for bouquets of specific flowers within 24 hours. If the bouquet contains non-standard flowers, the order fulfillment time is up to 3 days. We fulfill orders on the same day up to 3 hours, only bouquets of flowers that are currently available in the Florist.

Special deliveries

If you would like orders from the catalog to be delivered on Sundays, please contact us individually. The minimum cost of the order in this case is PLN 200. Dear customers, in the case of ordering more products, please contact our florist individually at the phone number +48 577 974 279 or by e-mail: Kwiaciarnia@madlen.pl

Have another question? Write to us!


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